On the afternoon of March 11, CDHMC held the symposium focusing on the company’s future development. A face-to-face discussion was conducted among Mr. Lu Deheng, who is the CFO of SINOMACH-HE, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman, responsible people of all departments and the worker representatives, aiming at discussing the strengths and weaknesses in the future development and collecting ideas and suggestions for the quality progress.
The symposium focused on the market layout, enterprise transformation, management upgrading and other 9 aspects. Responsible people of General Administration Department, Financial Department and Business Management Department went through the discussion about enhancing support towards the business departments and increasing managerial efficiency; and heads of International Trade Business Department, General Engineering Business Department and Engineering Installation Business Department talked about the respective business scope, strengths and weaknesses, future development plans, existing deficiencies and issues to be coordinated and resolved. The worker representatives present gave some promising advice targeting on problems in the work and their concerns on the basis of the market development and the reality of management positions.
Mr. Lu offered answers to the problems such as the limitation on the market development due to the small registered capital of the company, support from SINOMACH-HE in terms of capital, as well as cooperation of science, industry and trade with brother enterprises. Mr. Lu requires that all cadres and employees of the company should strengthen confidence, adopt innovative thoughts to solve the difficulties encountered, establish the benefit-oriented management philosophy, upgrade the concepts and working methods, shift the trade focus from business to business-and-service thus create benefits, so to extend the business chain. He claimed that the company should make further efforts in optimizing the assessment and distribution system, fully implementing the incentive mechanism of more gain for more work, flexible income and versatile talents, in order to constantly mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres and employees to achieve a quality and sustainable development of the company.
(Zhao Zhengwei)