Chengdu Heavy Machinery Completed All Cylinder and Valve Body Delivery Tasks of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction
2021-03-26  Source:   [Big] [Medium] [Small]

Through strict implementation of the measures for "efficiency promotion year" and with great efforts in improving project management and output efficiency, the Doosan Project Team of Chengdu Heavy Machinery has completed all delivery tasks of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction 540MW Cylinder Project and 270MW Cylinder Project, ahead of schedule.

Shortly after the completion of these projects, Chengdu Heavy Machinery, jointly with Erzhong Equipment Casting, took the initiative to visit the Doosan Representative Office in Shanghai. During this visit, they had a friendly discussion on the problems encountered in contract performance and corresponding improvement methods. They especially noted the advantageous high-end manufacturing capacity of Erzhong Equipment and the great project management & execution capability of Chengdu Heavy Machinery, laying a firm foundation for their further cooperation in fields like high-end forging rotor, high-temperature nickel-alloy disc, and important hydroelectric parts. This discussion fully demonstrated the competitiveness and output efficiency of the researching-manufacturing-marketing business cooperation mode.(Liu Yu)
